Saturday, February 12, 2011

Catalina Paintings

Here are a few studies from my recent trip to catalina island. This has been an annual trip for the last seven years with artists Jeff Horn and Mike Obermeyer, and this year photographer Bill Braly. A special thanks to the  Catalina Island Conservancy for making these trips possible and allowing us access to the entire island.  The weather this year was perfect!

First Light At Cat Harbor                  8x12 inches

Avalon Bell Tower                             10x12 inches

Sparkling Avalon                               8x10 inches

Casino View                                      10x12 inches

Fourth of July Cove, Isthmus       10x8 inches

Morning Shadows in Avalon              8x12 inches

Avalon Patterns                                 10x12 inches

Shark Harbor                                      8x12 inches

Evening at the Isthmus                        8x10 inches

Avalon Archway                                 8x10 inches

1 comment:

  1. I love you Catalina paintings!! Esp Cat Harbor and Isthmus!
